Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Aquafina "Alive" Claims to Replenish and Cleanse ??? see Ingredients here

Supposedly "wellness water" contains more poison than I've seen before although some of the Coke type lemonades have that much. If you are health concious and eat vegetables, fruits and keep things in check...I think you will notice the depressed feeling you get from drinking a whole bottle of one of these last days concoctions from the Babylon System.

Filtered water, white grape juice concentrate, natural flavors, phosphoric acid, sodium hexametaphosphate, citric acid, potassium citrate, aspartame, potassium benzoate, potassium sorbate, ace-k, calcium disodium EDTA, vitamin E acetate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12

sure they may try to trick the simple minds with a few vitamins, but big deal really...look at the amount of preservatives and actually....it says the Sodium hexametaphosphate is to protect flavor, while potassium benoate and sorbate protect freshness and not to mention the aspartame and other chemicals AND calcium disodium EDTA (protect flavor again).

Ofcourse everything in Babylon is a sorcery or deception of some sort (rev. 18:23) as some will understand that from the beginning the natural way of eating food is not held in high regard today in the word system where you see things like the above ingredient list which is very UN-Natural... And even things like whole grain food or organic food or certain quality meats even have many unnatural ingredients which don't make sense at all except that someone in the World System got paid to put that there---which is mostly a love of money of gain and the satanic deception of our era growing until the fulfillment of the age (Daniel)

See Gen 1:29 which says: And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

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